Thomas Jefferson High School is situated proudly on a hill in the West Jefferson Hills School District, serving the communities of West Elizabeth, Pleasant Hills Borough, and Jefferson Borough. Located in the Southwestern County of Allegheny in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, a Southern suburb of Pittsburgh, PA. The school was established in the early 1950’s as a Junior High School. Grades 10 through 12 were served by Clairton High School in the nearby steel town of Clairton. PA. Most members of the class attended Clairton High School and then transferred to the new Thomas Jefferson Senior High in our junior year. In 1958 the extension of the Thomas Jefferson building was completed, making it a junior and senior high school. There was no senior class in the first year of operations. The first class to graduate from Thomas Jefferson High School was the Class of 1960. This web=site honors that class by commemorating those class members and the teachers and administrators that guided us through those formative years. The class of 1960 selected the school mascot the South American Jaguar. We designed the class ring, ‘gold and black’ as our colors and we created the first yearbook, “The Monticello” in honor of our namesake Thomas Jefferson. We forged the way and set the course for those who followed. Today Thomas Jefferson High School maintains a high standard of education along with a tradition of highly competitive individuals in all walks of life. “It is not how far we have travelled nor how great our achievements but that we have indeed traveled the road of life and lived it as honorably as we knew how and hope only to be an encouragement to those who follow.”

Thomas Jefferson High School is situated proudly on a hill in the West Jefferson Hills School District, serving the communities of West Elizabeth, Pleasant Hills Borough and Jefferson Borough. Located in the Southwestern County of Allegheny in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania a Southern suburb of Pittsburgh, PA. The school was established in the early 1950’s as a Junior High School. Grades 10 through 12 were served by Clairton High School in the nearby steel town of Clairton. PA. Most members of the class had attended Clairton High School and then transferred to the new Thomas Jefferson Senior High in our junior year. In 1958 the extension of the Thomas Jefferson buildings were completed, making it a junior and senior high school. There was no senior class in the first year of operations. The first class to graduate from Thomas Jefferson High School was the Class of 1960.

This web site honors that class by commemorating those class members and the teachers and administrators that guided us through those formative years. The class of 1960 selected the school mascot the South American Jaguar. We designed the class ring, picked the ‘gold and black’ as our colors and we created the first year book, “The Monticello” in honor of our namesake Thomas Jefferson.

We forged the way and set the course for those who followed. Today Thomas Jefferson High School maintains a high standard of education along with a tradition of highly competitive individuals in all walks of life.

It is not how far we have travelled nor how great our achievements but that we have indeed traveled the road of life and lived it as honorably as we knew how and hope only to be an encouragement to those who follow.