The Mists

Ron Wehrer, Howard Hess,
Don Thomas (Mish),
Gary Holiday (Moose),
Bob Coles,
Jim Coury and
Chuck Kaufman.

During high school the Mists travelled with well know disc jockey Porky Chadwick the "Dadio" of the "radio" on Pittsburgh radio station WAMO all over Western Pennsylvania to Porky's various gigs. (Pat, then girlfriend now wife, of Bob Coles, group manager, was always in the front row cheering her guys on.)

The Mists also frequently visited Porky at the radio station while he

was on the air. When Chuck left to go into the US Air Force, the group became bi-racial adding Gerry Ethridge and Teddy Ross (both from Snowden, PA).

At that time they also added musical background ---two guitars and drums---and continued to travel to local gigs.

It was at that time that Bill Holmes' dad took an interest in the group which led to the recording of 'Willette'. Porky did play that recording on his show but it never really took off. The money just wasn't there to promote it.

Although there were several years when the Mists didn't sing they did Keep in touch and began singing again about 15 years ago.

The photo was taken at the Large Hotel Bar on September 24th., 2000 After our 40th class reunion.